2019年12月11日 星期三

Matsubara Yutaka (松原豊) 攝影個展

【1839當代藝廊】Matsubara Yutaka (松原豊) 攝影個展
展覽時間/2019.11.30 (六)~12.29 (日) 11:00~19:00 週一公休
開幕茶會/ 11.30 (六) 14:30
攝影講座/ 11.30 (六) 15:00
展覽場地/ 1839當代藝廊(台市大安區延吉街120號地下樓)
參觀費用/ FREE免費參觀

到日本旅遊的時候是否體驗過當地的錢湯呢?現今因為家中衛浴設備普及,錢湯的設施與經營者逐漸高齡化的影響,已經在日漸消失中。日本攝影家Matsubara Yutaka (松原豊),首次來台舉辦個展,現場展出三十張大幅照片於2006-2017間所拍攝的日本猶存的獨特庶民文化「錢湯=公眾澡堂」

11月30日 (週六)下午2:30 舉辦開幕茶會與攝影講座,透過攝影家松原豊的親自分享日本道地的澡堂文化。歡迎您蒞臨參觀。

關於Matsubara Yutaka (松原豊)
1967 年三重縣出⽣,寫真專⾨學校畢業後歷經攝影助理然後獨⽴。
現在居住在三重縣津市的屋齡80 年的古⺠家,持續拍攝村莊城鎮的記錄攝影。
2013 年 擔任神宮式年遷宮記錄攝影(御遷宮對策委員會)
專⾨學校名古屋Visual Arts 兼任講師
畫廊176 名成員(在⼤阪)
私⼈ 攝影研究所所⻑(在三重縣津市美⾥鎮)

【1839CG】Matsubara Yutaka photo exhibition “Local Public Bath “Sento”
Public on-view/2019.11.130 (Sat)~12.29 (Sun) 11:00~19:00 (Monday off)
Reception/ 11.30 (Sat) 14:30
Artist Talk/ 11.30 (Sat) 15:00
Venue/ 1839 Contemporary Gallery(T:02-2778 8458)
FREE admission

Japanese photographer Matsubara Yutaka, who first came to Taiwan to hold a solo exhibition at 1839 Contemporary Gallery to exhibit his 30 prints took at Sento the place he lives in Japan. These photos were created during the period 2006-2017 which represented a unique public bathhouse culture in Japan.

Welcome join us the opening reception and art talk with artist Matsubara Yutaka at 2:30pm, Saturday November 30. Yutaka will share the background of the unique mass culture places – Sento (public bath) which may disappear soon.

About Artist Matsubara Yutaka
Born in Mie Prefecture in 1967, graduated from a photography vocational school and became freelance after photographer assistant, etc.
Currently living in Tsu City, Mie Prefecture, creating photographs.
2013 record shooting person in charge of the 62nd Ise Jingu Shikinen Sengu (Gosengu Countermeasure Committee)
Nagoya Visual Arts (vocational school) part-time teacher
Member of Japan Professional Photographers Society
Member of gallery 176, Osaka
Private photo research institute chief (Mie, Tsu, Misato)
gallery0369 owner (Mie, Tsu, Misato)

