2020年3月7日 星期六

吉岡 悟(Satoru Yoshioka)攝影 個展

1839當代藝廊】吉岡 悟(Satoru Yoshioka)攝影 個展
展覽時間/2020.03.07 ()04.12 () 11:0019:00 週一公休
展覽場地/ 1839當代藝廊(台北市大安區延吉街120號地下樓)

首次來台舉辦個展的日本攝影家吉岡 悟(Satoru Yoshioka),1963年出生於日本的高知縣,1996年畢業於美國加州Palomar College (帕洛瑪學院)攝影系,2001年取得美國E11傑出人才的簽證,長期持續創作行走於歐美國家

這次展覽重溫了吉岡悟(Satoru Yoshioka30年攝影的起源。這些扭曲,神秘的人物照片的照片是他尚未公開的早期攝影作品。其中包括曾在柏林展出的四件攝影作品。但是,它並不完全相同,而是以現今的角度回顧這三十年的歷史場景。分享給大家欣賞。”

1839CG】「Whatever is sensible, Beauty distorts. No.2PHOTOS by Satoru Yoshioka
Public on-view2020.03.07 (Sat)04.12 (Sun) 11:00~19:00 (Monday off)
Venue1839 Contemporary GalleryT:02-2778 8458
FREE admissionwww.1839cg.com

Japanese photographer Satoru Yoshioka holding his first solo exhibition at 1839 Contemporary Gallery in Taiwan.  Born in Kochi, Japan in 1963. He graduated from California State Palomar College in the Department of Photography in 1996. His black-and-white Polaroid photographs have been exhibited in the United States, Japan, and Europe.

More than 40 photographs on display are black and white silver gelatin photographs, which he took 30 years ago.  These photographs from distorted, enigmatic images of people are his early photographic works that have not yet made public. 

