2013年5月5日 星期日

陳敬寶│尋常人家 攝影展 (5.18~6.30)

展覽日期| 20 13    5  18  (  ) ~ 2013    6  30  ()
開幕茶會| 201 3    5  25  () 14:30
藝術講座| 201 3    5  25  () 15:00 《藝術家本人出席》

策展人|邱奕堅 博士 (東方設計學院 攝影學位學程籌備主任)
展覽地點|1839當代藝廊 (台北市大安區延吉街120號地下樓 T: 2778 8458)



陳敬寶(1969-),台灣藝術家。美國紐約視覺藝術學院(School of Visual Arts)攝影系美術學士,國立臺北藝術大學美術創作研究所(2011~)。長期致力於攝影創作與國小美術教育。1999年以攝影作品《紀實/肖像檳榔西施》引起廣泛討論,攝影風格受到矚目;2001年開始進行《迴返計畫》與《天上人間》系列,鏡頭轉向生活週遭的人與環境:前者以國小孩童為拍攝對象探討記憶與現實的界域,後者呈現台灣土地對攝影師所顯示的意義;這兩個主題作品並在2010年獲日本東川獎「海外作家賞」,同時以《迴返》為題,2011年在東京工藝大學舉辦個展,隔年則於台灣舉辦《印樣:陳敬寶攝影探察》、《迴返計劃:四部曲》個展。著有《片刻濃妝檳榔西施影像輯》,譯有《攝影評論學》。

CHEN, Chin-Pao Ordinary Household

On-View Exhibition 2013 / 5/18 (Sat) ~ 2013 / 6/30 (Sun)
Opening Reception
 2013 /5/25 (Sat) 14:30
Artist Talk
 2013 /5/25 (Sat) 15:00
Curated byDr. Edward Chiu (Tung Fang Design University, The Department of Photography Preparatory Director)

Venue1839 Contemporary Gallery (02) 2778 8458
B1, No. 120 Yanji Street, Da’an District, Taipei 10696, Taiwan (R.O.C)
Free Admission

 “Ordinary Household” is a project dedicated to the domestic approach which is somehow almost absent in Taiwanese photography.

I seek for volunteers, go to their houses, ask for their ideas about the most “often”, “want” and “unforgettable” things to do in their houses, and take pictures. In other words, sitters are “acting” themselves in their most familiar and comfortable environment.
By doing this, I want to present the ordinary life of the bourgeoisie in contemporary Taiwanese society.

In order to fully describe the space, I present the scene by juxtaposing two, three, even four panels horizontally. Simultaneously, the sitters may appear in different panels more than once to show different manners of their daily life.

Chen Chin-Pao, Taiwan Artist, who taught in an elementary school for a decade (while completing a BFA from SVA, New York) and his artworks projects including Circumgyration, Heaven on Earth series as well as Betel Nut Girls. The project of “Circumgyration” and “Heaven on Earth”, awarded HIGASHIKAWA AWARD, Hokkaido, Japan in 2011.

