2016年4月8日 星期五

The Box 箱中的活字版人體結構│Eric Kellerman 攝影個展

展覽時間 2016/04/1 () 5/01 ()
藝術家親臨開幕暨講座 4/02 () 14:30
台北市大安區延吉街120號地下樓│Tel: 02- 2778 8458

英國攝影家Eric Kellerman以「箱中的人體活字版結構」的構思利用裸體的方式來表達他的作品,攝影家請來了多位練過瑜珈與舞蹈的模特兒,將他們放入一個狹小箱子中,擺出各種姿勢,呈現身體的美感,模仿活字版印刷裡的字塊,呈現另一種的世界。

42日(週六)下午2:30 攝影家Eric 親臨現場,邀請您一同參與開幕藝術講座簽書會等活動,與大家一起分享多年拍攝裸體攝影的經歷。敬請把握與攝影家近距離接觸的難得機會
The Box Eric Kellerman Solo Exhibition
Public On-View2016/04/01 (Fri) – 05/01 (Sun)
Opening Reception & Art Talk with Eric4/02 (Sat) 14:30
Venue1839 Contemporary Gallery (Tel: 02-2778-8458)
B1, 120 Yanji Street, Da’an District, Taipei City, Taiwan ROC
Free Admission

Eric Kellerman is a Briton who has lived in the Netherlands for a very long time.
Specialising in the nude, he works almost entirely in the studio with a regular team of female collaborators, most of whom have a serious interest in movement (dance, acrobatics, yoga, martial arts).

April 2nd (Saturday) afternoon, meet artist Eric Kellerman at the Opening Reception, Art Talk and Book Signing at 1839 Contemporary Gallery in Taipei, Taiwan. The exhibition showcases Eric’s over 30 images from THE BOX series.

Free Art Talk by Eric Kellerman at 3pm on Saturday 2nd of April.  The talk’s audience will be limited to 60 people, and advance seat reservations are recommended.  

